- (surname not known) (cont.)
Rachel b. between 1818 and 1819
Rachel b. Apr 1, 1822, d. Dec 14, 1877
Rachel b. Apr 1, 1822, d. Dec 14, 1877
Rachel b. 1826
Rachel b. 1826
Rachel J b. Apr 10, 1838, d. Dec 28, 1882
Rachel J b. Apr 10, 1838, d. Dec 28, 1882
Rachel wife of Henry Bohannon III b. 1795, d. after 1850
Rachel wife of Henry Pollard d. before Feb 6, 1831
Rachel wife of Isaac Jones d. after Mar 30, 1781
Rae b. about 1907
Rae b. about 1907
Ralph d. Jun 26, 1999
Rebecca d. between Jul, 1822 and Aug 22, 1822
Rebecca b. about 1760, d. about 1833
- (surname not known) (cont.)
Rebecca b. Sep, 1819
Rebecca b. 1859
Rebecca b. 1859
Rebecca A b. Aug, 1864
Rebecca A b. Aug, 1864
Rebecca wife of John Boone d. between Jul, 1822 and Aug 22, 1822
Rebecca wife of John Moore Sr b. about 1760, d. about 1833
Ree b. about 1860
Ree b. about 1860
Rena M b. Oct 16, 1890, d. Mar 23, 1958
Rena M b. Oct 16, 1890, d. Mar 23, 1958
Rhoda b. about 1815
Rhoda b. about 1815
Rhonda b. 1825, d. before 1870
Rhonda b. 1825, d. before 1870
Ria b. Sep 5, 1880, d. after Feb 27, 1947
Rilla D b. 1895, d. 1965
- (surname not known) (cont.)
Rilla D wife of Daniel Walter Spaulding b. 1895, d. 1965
Robby b. Dec 27, 1902, d. Nov, 1986
Robby b. Dec 27, 1902, d. Nov, 1986
Roda b. between 1832 and 1833
Roda b. between 1832 and 1833
Rosa b. Nov, 1872
Rosa b. Nov, 1872
Rosa E b. May, 1862, d. May 29, 1947
Rosa E b. May, 1862, d. May 29, 1947
Rose d. 2006
Rose d. 2006
Rose b. between 1849 and 1850
Rose b. between 1849 and 1850
Rose b. about 1888
Rose b. about 1888
Rose b. between 1888 and 1889
- (surname not known) (cont.)
Rose b. about 1909
Rose b. about 1909
Rose wife of John Kueber b. between 1888 and 1889
Rosie b. Jun, 1860
Rosie b. Jun, 1860
Roy b. after 1875
Rubie b. between 1911 and 1912
Rubie b. between 1911 and 1912
Ruby b. about 1903
Ruby b. about 1903
Ruby Lee b. Jun 17, 1920, d. Oct 1, 1992
Ruby Lee b. Jun 17, 1920, d. Oct 1, 1992
Ruby T b. Mar 28, 1901, d. Jul 26, 1999
Ruby T wife of Charles Emery Hagewood b. Mar 28, 1901, d. Jul 26, 1999
Ruth d. about 1772
Ruth d. 1955
Ruth d. 1955
- (surname not known) (cont.)
Ruth b. Aug 17, 1893, d. Oct 15, 1972
Ruth b. Aug 17, 1893, d. Oct 15, 1972
Ruth b. Aug 13, 1909, d. Oct 8, 1993
Ruth b. Aug 13, 1909, d. Oct 8, 1993
Ruth b. about 1910
Ruth b. about 1910
Ruth b. about 1911
Ruth b. about 1911
Ruth Clare b. Oct 11, 1902, d. Dec, 1969Ruth Clare b. Oct 11, 1902, d. Dec, 1969Ruth wife of William Bohannon d. about 1772
Sadie Rose b. Jun 20, 1882, d. May 31, 1960
Sadie Rose b. Jun 20, 1882, d. May 31, 1960
Salli b. Apr, 1882
Salli b. Apr, 1882
Sallie b. about 1810
Sallie b. between 1859 and 1860
Sallie b. between 1859 and 1860
Sallie b. Jan, 1865