Armstrong (cont.)
Richard  b. Dec 27, 1744, d. 1816
Richard E  b. between 1802 and 1808
Richard H  b. about 1877
Richard R or M  b. Dec, 1843
Robin  b. about 1848
Roland C  b. between 1850 and 1853
Russell  b. about 1906
Russell  b. about 1913
Sadie E  b. May, 1884
Sallie  b. Apr, 1883
Samuel  b. about 1838
Samuel H  b. about 1841
Sarah  b. 1833, d. Sep, 1856
Sarah F  b. May, 1900
Sarah Harriet  b. Mar, 1847
Sarah Jane  b. about 1841
Sarah Sallie  b. about 1780
Shelby Vanetta  b. about 1866, d. Dec 4, 1913
Siona  b. between 1874 and 1875
Stanley Glenn  b. Mar 23, 1916, d. Aug 2, 1965
Susan  b. about 1874
Armstrong (cont.)
Susie  b. Aug 10, 1862
Sylvester U  b. Apr 14, 1871, d. Jan 23, 1947
Thomas H  b. Nov 16, 1875, d. Dec 22, 1898
Viola Ann  b. about 1879
Walter  b. about 1913
William  b. 1781, d. Apr 29, 1859
William  b. about 1858
William (Colonel)  b. 1565, d. 1649
William E  b. between 1868 and 1871
William R  b. about 1809, d. after Jun 12, 1880
William W  b. about 1846
Wilma Jean  b. Apr 22, 1934, d. Aug 4, 1952
Winifred C  b. Jun, 1892
Zerilda Ellen  b. Aug, 1844, d. Dec 25, 1912
Barton H  b. Feb 18, 1897
Ben H  b. May 4, 1891
Cleanthus J  b. Feb 14, 1857
Garnett J  b. 1894
Harley E  b. 1893, d. 1965
Mary C  b. 1863
Memril  b. 1906, d. Apr 5, 1928
Ralph  b. 1895, d. 1896
Sally  b. about 1790, d. before Jul, 1850
Walter  b. 1883, d. 1883
(given name not known)  d. before 2009
(given name not known)  d. before Oct, 1975
Benjamin B  b. Jun 20, 1893, d. Aug 27, 1941
Beverly C  b. about 1821, d. Jun, 1870
Charley  b. about 1895
Chlora E  b. 1906, d. Nov 24, 1991
Dorothy T  b. about 1901
Florence Corrine  b. Apr 30, 1897
Floyd  b. 1890, d. about 1944
Arnold (cont.)
George V  b. Sep, 1878
Gordon Lewis  b. Aug 1, 1898
Henry Gilham  b. Feb 8, 1852, d. Dec 22, 1928
Inez  b. about 1910
James Alexander  b. about 1744
Jane  b. about 1809, d. Aug 6, 1884
Jean Elizabeth  b. about 1930, d. Dec 29, 1991
Jessie Powell  b. Aug 31, 1876, d. Apr 7, 1949
Jimmie Lily  b. Dec, 1910, d. Jun 28, 1944
Laura Elzada  b. Jul 17, 1888, d. May 29, 1958
Lisa Rae  d. before 2009
Lottie Floyd  b. 1890, d. about 1944
Marguerite G  b. Jan, 1890
Arnold (cont.)
Marguerite Jane  b. Jan 7, 1834, d. May 21, 1917
Mary Caroline  b. Jul 7, 1858, d. Jan 2, 1929
Mary Hester  b. Jun 29, 1907, d. Oct 22, 1975
Mary T  b. Aug, 1886, d. Feb 27, 1958
Mildred Anette  b. Jun 15, 1924, d. Mar 17, 1974
Nancy  b. Mar 10, 1792, d. Feb 15, 1881
Nancy  b. about 1809
Nancy Anne  b. about 1748
Odis  d. Sep, 1982
Pauline  b. Apr 18, 1938, d. Dec 20, 2010