- Lewis (cont.)
William Isaac b. Mar 18, 1879, d. Mar 13, 1961
William J b. between 1850 and 1851
William Jefferson b. between 1851 and 1852
William Miles Bristow b. Jul 7, 1853, d. Mar 18, 1909
William O b. 1866
William Orville b. Jun 15, 1931, d. Dec 15, 1985
William Richard b. Nov 14, 1851, d. Oct 20, 1937
William T b. Mar 2, 1857, d. Jan 1, 1864
William Terrell b. 1718
Wilma Evelyn b. Mar 24, 1895, d. Jan 13, 1950
Zachariah Sr b. about 1650
- Lewison
Mary M b. 1907, d. 1983
- Lewler
Suzannah b. about 1740
- Lewman
- Leyman
Nancy b. 1857, d. May 18, 1936
- Leyreth
Rachel b. 1801
- Lian
Aggie b. Apr 29, 1914, d. Nov 11, 2007
Agnes Gudrun b. Apr 29, 1914, d. Nov 11, 2007
Arnold S b. between 1906 and 1907
Gunder b. between 1883 and 1884
Henry G b. between 1911 and 1912
Ingvold N b. between 1908 and 1909
Ruth P b. between 1909 and 1910
- Libuano
Impo b. about 1832
Nicolasa b. about 1832
- Libunao
Miguela Gonzales y b. Sep 26, 1888, d. Dec 6, 1990
- Lich
Bob b. Feb 8, 1909, d. Dec, 1987
Robert (Dr) Jr b. Feb 8, 1909, d. Dec, 1987
- Licher
Albert John b. 1869, d. 1939
Anna Gertrude b. Oct 28, 1871
Georgia Anna b. Sep 25, 1900, d. Mar 21, 1977
- Liebaut
Eugenie b. 1609
- Lieber
Barbara b. Mar 28, 1838, d. Jan 19, 1917
Eva b. Mar 22, 1804, d. May 29, 1869
- Liebermann
- Lieblong
Mary Minerva b. Aug 28, 1882, d. May 5, 1968
- Liechty
Lorena Armmittie b. Feb 7, 1886, d. Mar 21, 1966
- Lied
Sarah b. 1693, d. 1765
- Lier
- Lies
- Lifsey
Susan Elizabeth b. Jan 22, 1865, d. Jul 27, 1951
- Liggett
- Light
Ada Cordelia b. Jul 20, 1889, d. Jul 23, 1961
America Elizabeth b. Dec 23, 1871, d. Aug 27, 1960
Bertha Mae b. Apr 16, 1888, d. Nov 15, 1986
Betty b. Dec 23, 1871, d. Aug 27, 1960
Charlotte Elvira b. Dec 5, 1842, d. Dec 2, 1879
George Franklin b. Jun 6, 1885, d. Jan 29, 1974
- Lightfoot
Ann Nancy b. 1777, d. Jun, 1857
Benjamin b. about Oct, 1849
Catherine b. about 1782
D'Estaing b. about 1785, d. after 1850
Edward b. about 1754, d. 1823
Edward b. about 1776
Elizabeth b. about 1718, d. Feb 27, 1823
Elizabeth b. 1725
Elizabeth b. Dec 2, 1747, d. Sep 8, 1822
Elizabeth b. about 1786
Elizabeth b. between 1812 and 1813
Elizabeth b. between 1837 and 1838
Goodrich b. 1682, d. Apr 14, 1738
Goodrich b. Feb, 1718/19, d. 1778
Goodrich b. 1768
Goodrich b. 1778
James b. about 1789, d. before 1828
James b. about 1852
Jasper b. between 1835 and 1836
John b. Feb 7, 1710/11, d. Jun, 1735
- Lightfoot (cont.)
John B Jr b. 1780, d. about 1840
John Barrow b. about 1752, d. about 1825
John Lafayette Jr b. Jun 24, 1848
John Lafayette Sr b. between 1808 and 1809, d. Nov 13, 1892
Lavina b. about 1750, d. after Jun 7, 1788
Marion b. between 1831 and 1832
Mary b. 1696
Mary b. Oct 2, 1717
Mildred d. Feb 15, 1835
Nancy b. about 1806
Nancy Ann b. between 1814 and 1815
Newton b. between 1833 and 1834
Philip J b. between 1840 and 1841
Phillip b. 1774, d. Apr 17, 1855
Phillip b. 1782, d. about 1813
Rachel b. between 1808 and 1809, d. May 19, 1900
Rachel b. between 1839 and 1840
Robert b. about 1773, d. about 1840
Rosetta b. between 1853 and 1854
Susan b. Sep 21, 1826, d. Jun 16, 1884
Susannah b. about 1782
- Lightfoot (cont.)
William b. about 1804
William b. between 1842 and 1843
William (Major) b. about 1720, d. Nov 5, 1805
William L b. Mar 25, 1774, d. Dec 15, 1864