Petty (cont.)
Lydia  b. Oct, 1890, d. Apr 12, 1973
Matilda  b. Aug 10, 1823, d. between 1869 and 1918
Osa Ola  b. Nov 24, 1878, d. Sep 13, 1907
Oscar Burnette  b. Oct 11, 1912
Rice  b. Apr, 1897, d. Nov 26, 1953
Sarah  b. 1770, d. 1850
Solie Biffle  b. Jun 23, 1877, d. Apr 27, 1960
Tennessee  b. Oct 16, 1881, d. Oct 18, 1945
William Henry  b. Nov, 1893, d. Dec, 1967
Lillie  b. 1891, d. Apr 7, 1926
(given name not known)  b. Oct 10, 1875
Amanda  b. about 1892, d. Apr 1, 1965
America Frances  b. about 1844, d. 1889
Andrew  b. Mar 15, 1857
Andrew  b. Jan, 1886
Andy  b. Jan, 1886
Belle  b. 1892, d. Sep 4, 1979
Belle Bertha  b. Oct 9, 1861, d. Jul 3, 1924
Benjamin  b. Apr 8, 1840, d. 1885
Benjamin  b. Jan, 1879
Benjamin Jr  b. about 1902
Benjamin Sr  b. Feb 2, 1872, d. Oct 11, 1948
Bessie  b. Oct 6, 1912, d. before Dec, 2005
Betsy  b. between 1810 and 1811
Billy  b. Sep 4, 1933, d. Jul 30, 2000
Peyton (cont.)
Carroll  b. about 1910
Catherine  b. about 1815, d. between 1870 and 1880
Catherine  b. about Jan, 1842
Catherine  b. about 1845
Charles  b. about 1813, d. 1884
Charles  b. about 1864
Charles  b. Oct 11, 1891, d. 1968
Charles Earl  b. May 18, 1915, d. Nov 22, 1996
Charles M  b. Oct 27, 1842
Charles W  b. about 1876
Charley  b. about 1864
Charlie  b. Oct 11, 1891, d. 1968
Cordelia  b. about 1875
David  b. about 1853
Eliza  b. about 1837
Elizabeth  b. between 1810 and 1811
Elizabeth  b. about 1830
Elizabeth  b. about 1876, d. Feb 7, 1937
Peyton (cont.)
Elizabeth  b. about 1904
Ella  b. Jan 23, 1872, d. May 10, 1892
Elva  b. about 1905, d. Aug 25, 1971
Emily  b. about 1847
Emma Anne  b. about 1910
Ernest  b. about 1910, d. Dec 19, 2005
Fanny  b. about 1845
Frank  b. about 1858
Fronie  b. May 18, 1865
Grafton Washington  b. Sep 13, 1925, d. Oct 6, 2000
Granger N  b. 1863, d. between 1880 and 1900
Hester  b. about 1895, d. Apr 30, 1912
James  b. Jan 21, 1903, d. Aug 4, 1979
James Pope  b. about 1846
James W  b. Apr 25, 1854
Jefferson  b. about 1876, d. Dec, 1878
Jerry  b. Oct, 1876
John  b. 1900, d. Sep 7, 1982
John Thomas  b. Feb 2, 1852
Joseph  b. about 1808, d. after 1880
Joseph  b. about 1828, d. about 1883
Joseph  b. Jan 2, 1848, d. May 9, 1930
Peyton (cont.)
Joseph  b. about 1862
Joseph  b. Apr, 1888
Larinda  b. about 1851
Lawrence  b. Oct 22, 1897, d. Nov 22, 1918
Lawrence Washington  b. about 1866, d. Feb 20, 1949
Lee  b. Sep 13, 1897, d. Mar 12, 1984
Lee Jr  b. Apr 16, 1929, d. Oct 12, 2005
Leonard  b. Feb 7, 1930, d. May 3, 1979
Lewis  b. Aug 18, 1908, d. Oct 21, 1983
Linda  d. before Dec, 2005
Linnie  b. Feb 7, 1930, d. May 3, 1979
Lizzie  b. about 1904
Lora  b. 1895, d. 1964
Louisa  b. Jan, 1884
Lucinda  b. about 1872
Luke  b. about 1918, d. Feb 5, 1985
Lula P  b. about 1908
Luther  b. 1906, d. 1907
Manda  b. about 1871
Peyton (cont.)
Marie Leonard  b. about 1874, d. before Feb, 1949
Martha J  b. about 1866
Martin  b. about 1879
Mary  b. about 1825
Mary  b. Oct 12, 1838
Mary Blanche  b. Dec 4, 1910, d. Aug 24, 1999