- Wilcoxson (cont.)
John T b. between 1849 and 1850
John W b. Jun 6, 1845
Joseph b. between 1826 and 1827
Joseph b. about 1849
Joseph Madison b. Mar 30, 1807, d. Sep, 1856
Josephine b. Feb 17, 1850, d. May 9, 1936
Joyce b. between 1804 and 1805
Julius W b. Dec 16, 1869, d. after Feb 21, 1903
Kate b. between 1862 and 1863
Kate b. Oct 4, 1869, d. Jan 19, 1914
Kate b. Sep, 1896
Kate Thomas b. after Jul 20, 1870
Katherine Combs b. Oct 4, 1869, d. Jan 19, 1914
Kirby b. Dec 17, 1882, d. Aug 15, 1936
Laura b. between 1846 and 1847
Laura E b. between 1844 and 1845, d. Aug 13, 1854
Laurinda b. Sep 22, 1824, d. Mar 12, 1888
Leon Joseph b. Jun 16, 1876, d. Apr 20, 1945
Levi b. about 1829
Lewis b. Sep 12, 1803, d. May 10, 1861
Lewis N b. May 26, 1866, d. Feb 3, 1938
- Wilcoxson (cont.)
Lonia b. Oct 11, 1889
Lora b. Mar 5, 1894
Louis C b. Nov 9, 1880
Louisa b. Sep 7, 1829
Lucinda b. Dec 3, 1852, d. Feb 15, 1873
Lucy b. between 1804 and 1805
Lulie E b. about 1878
Lulu b. Jan 17, 1858, d. Oct 2, 1945
Malissa b. 1847
Mamie b. Oct, 1894
Margaret b. between 1841 and 1842
Margaret E b. between 1834 and 1835
Margaret E b. Sep 25, 1837
Margaret J b. between 1857 and 1858
Margaret Jane b. between 1823 and 1824
Mariette b. Apr 2, 1834
Marsillia b. Sep 6, 1871
Martha b. Jan 27, 1779, d. Sep 30, 1848
Martha b. between 1835 and 1836
- Wilcoxson (cont.)
Martha b. between 1852 and 1853
Martha b. between 1873 and 1874
Martha Ann b. Nov 25, 1833, d. Oct 25, 1914
Martha M b. between 1853 and 1854
Mary b. about 1786
Mary b. 1852
Mary Bell b. Nov 27, 1850
Mary Catherine b. Dec 24, 1857, d. Mar 26, 1891
Mary E b. between 1845 and 1846
Mary E b. between 1846 and 1847
Mary E b. between 1854 and 1855
Mary Elizabeth b. about 1839
Mary I b. Oct 26, 1869, d. Dec 13, 1870
Mary J b. 1827
Mary J b. between 1848 and 1849
Mary Jane b. Dec, 1820
- Wilcoxson (cont.)
Missouri b. between 1831 and 1832
Murt b. Apr, 1898
Myrtie b. Oct, 1898
Nancy b. Apr 4
Nancy b. May 22, 1808, d. Dec 16, 1874
Nancy b. Nov 18, 1810, d. Aug 30, 1845
Nancy b. Nov 3, 1822, d. Sep 9, 1901
Nancy b. between 1850 and 1851
Nancy b. between 1853 and 1854
Nancy Catherine b. between 1862 and 1863
Nancy J b. Nov 20, 1826, d. Apr 13, 1910
Nancy Jane b. Mar 7, 1828, d. Jul 6, 1911
Nellie b. May, 1898
Nelly b. about 1796
Newton J b. between 1828 and 1829
Norman b. Aug, 1888
Olie b. Aug 4, 1896
Ophelia b. Apr, 1859
Ora b. May, 1883
Patsey b. Jan 27, 1779, d. Sep 30, 1848
- Wilcoxson (cont.)
Perthany b. Nov 24, 1828, d. Sep 7, 1886
Perthena b. Nov 24, 1828, d. Sep 7, 1886
Pleasant b. 1849 or 1850
Polly b. about 1786
Priscilla Susan (Surelda) b. Sep 18, 1845
Quincy b. between 1862 and 1863
Quinn David b. Aug 11, 1850, d. Nov 11, 1932
Rachel b. 1770, d. about 1821
Rachel b. between 1786 and 1787
Rachel b. 1800
Rachel b. about 1832
Rachel b. about Aug, 1859
Rachel A b. between 1858 and 1859
Richmond Rodgers b. Sep 15, 1832, d. Dec 22, 1917
Robert b. 1832
Rosalie b. Jan 19, 1883
Rubine b. Aug 22, 1862, d. Dec 30, 1862
Ruth C b. about 1850
Salin A b. Sep 16, 1868
Sallie b. between 1800 and 1801
Sallie b. Jul 14, 1831, d. Jun 28, 1917