Stephen L White1

Male, #78321, b. April, 1818
RelationshipStephen L White is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Stephen L is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
BirthApril, 1818Stephen was born April, 1818 in Tennessee.1 
MarriageDecember 10, 1842He married Mary C Ferguson, daughter of Thomas Ferguson and Hannah Murphy, December 10, 1842 in Pettis County, Missouri.1  
Birth of SonAugust 14, 1846His son Thomas was born on August 14, 1846 in Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri.1 
Birth of SonApril 7, 1851His son Joseph was born on April 7, 1851 in Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri.1 
Birth of SonFebruary 6, 1853His son David was born on February 6, 1853 in Lafayette County, Missouri.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Stephen L's death. 


Mary C Ferguson b. Oct 1814
Children 1.Thomas L White+1 b. Aug 14, 1846, d. Jul 4, 1935
 2.Joseph Edwin White1 b. Apr 7, 1851, d. Mar 11, 1928
 3.David Henry White1 b. Feb 6, 1853, d. Jun 16, 1934
Census 1850October 14, 1850Stephen was listed as the head of a household with his wife Mary C Ferguson in the 1850 Census on October 14, 1850 in District 46, Lafayette County, Missouri. Stephen's occupation is listed as farmer. Other members of the household listed were Thomas L White.2
Census 1860August 1, 1860Stephen was listed as the head of a household with his wife Mary C Ferguson in the 1860 Census on August 1, 1860 in Sni-A-Bar Township, Lafayette County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Thomas L White, Joseph Edwin White and David Henry White.3
Census 1870September 9, 1870Stephen was listed as the head of a household with his wife Mary C Ferguson in the 1870 Census on September 9, 1870 in Sni-A-Bar Township, Lafayette County, Missouri. Stephen's occupation is listed as farmer. Other members of the household listed were Thomas L White, Joseph Edwin White, David Henry White and Nancy Ella Ferguson.4
Census 1880June 15, 1880Stephen was listed as the head of a household with his wife Mary C Ferguson in the 1880 Census on June 15, 1880 in Sni-A-Bar Township, Lafayette County, Missouri. Stephen's occupation is listed as farmer. Other members of the household listed were David Henry White, Larkin Ferguson, Joseph Edwin White and Nancy Ella Ferguson A servant is also listed in the household.5
Census 1900June 11, 1900Stephen was listed as the head of a household with his wife Mary C Ferguson in the 1900 Census on June 11, 1900 in Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Joseph Edwin White, David Henry White and Nancy Ella Ferguson.6
Last EditedDec 29, 2010


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S11090] U.S. Census Missouri 1850, Lafayette County, District 46.
  3. [S11091] U.S. Census Missouri 1860, Lafayette County, Sni-a-Bar Township.
  4. [S12358] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Lafayette County, Sni-a-bar Township.
  5. [S11089] U.S. Census Missouri 1880, Lafayette County, Sniabar Township.
  6. [S11092] U.S. Census Missouri 1900, Lafayette County, Sniabar Township, Odessa.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Thomas L White1

Male, #78322, b. August 14, 1846, d. July 4, 1935
Relationships3rd cousin 3 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
4th great-grandson of Robert Jones
6th great-grandson of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
7th great-grandson of Chretien Du Bois
7th great-grandson of Matthieu Blanchan
5th great-grandson of Jean Bodine
6th great-grandson of Jean Crocheron
8th great-grandson of Richard Cooke
FatherStephen L White1 b. Apr, 1818
MotherMary C Ferguson1 b. Oct, 1814
BirthAugust 14, 1846Thomas was born August 14, 1846 in Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri.1 
MarriageSeptember 10, 1874He married Laura Caroline Bledsoe September 10, 1874 in Lafayette County, Missouri.1  
Birth of SonJune, 1875His son Ervin was born in June, 1875 in Missouri.2 
Birth of SonFebruary, 1880His son Thomas was born in February, 1880 in Missouri.2 
DeathJuly 4, 1935Thomas died July 4, 1935 in Lees Summit, Jackson County, Missouri at age 88.1  


Laura Caroline Bledsoe b. 17 Sep 1854, d. 4 Apr 1940
Children 1.Ervin White2 b. Jun, 1875
 2.Thomas H White2 b. Feb, 1880
(son) Census 1850October 14, 1850Thomas L White was listed as a member, son, of the household of Stephen L White and Mary C Ferguson in the 1850 Census on October 14, 1850 in District 46, Lafayette County, Missouri.3
(son) Census 1860August 1, 1860He was listed as a member, son, of the household of Stephen L White and Mary C Ferguson in the 1860 Census on August 1, 1860 in Sni-A-Bar Township, Lafayette County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Joseph Edwin White and David Henry White.4
(son) Census 1870September 9, 1870Thomas L White was listed as a member, son, of the household of Stephen L White and Mary C Ferguson in the 1870 Census on September 9, 1870 in Sni-A-Bar Township, Lafayette County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Joseph Edwin White, David Henry White and Nancy Ella Ferguson.5
Number ChildrenJune, 1900Thomas L White and Laura Caroline Bledsoe had three children of whom two were living as of June, 1900.2 
Census 1900June 8, 1900Thomas was listed as the head of a household with his wife Laura Caroline Bledsoe in the 1900 Census on June 8, 1900 in Sni-A-Bar Township, Jackson County, Missouri. Thomas's occupation is listed as farmer. Other members of the household listed were Ervin White and Thomas H White.2
Number ChildrenApril, 1910Thomas L White and Laura Caroline Bledsoe had three children of whom one were living as of April, 1910.6 
Census 1910May 25, 1910Thomas was listed as the head of a household with his wife Laura Caroline Bledsoe in the 1910 Census on May 25, 1910 in Lees Summit City, Jackson County, Missouri. Thomas's occupation is listed as odd job laborer.6
Census 1920January 12, 1920Thomas was listed as the head of a household with his wife Laura Caroline Bledsoe in the 1920 Census on January 12, 1920 on Forest Lees Summit City, Jackson County, Missouri. Thomas's occupation is listed as common laborer.7
Census 1930April 11, 1930Thomas was listed as the head of a household with his wife Laura Caroline Bledsoe in the 1930 Census on April 11, 1930 at 304 North Main Street Lees Summit City, Jackson County, Missouri.8
Last EditedMay 23, 2014


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S15525] U.S. Census Missouri 1900, Jackson County, Sni-a-bar Township.
  3. [S11090] U.S. Census Missouri 1850, Lafayette County, District 46.
  4. [S11091] U.S. Census Missouri 1860, Lafayette County, Sni-a-Bar Township.
  5. [S12358] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Lafayette County, Sni-a-bar Township.
  6. [S15526] U.S. Census Missouri 1910, Jackson County, Lees Summit City.
  7. [S15527] U.S. Census Missouri 1920, Jackson County, Lees Summit City.
  8. [S15528] U.S. Census Missouri 1930, Jackson County, Lees Summit City.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Joseph Edwin White1

Male, #78323, b. April 7, 1851, d. March 11, 1928
Relationships3rd cousin 3 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
4th great-grandson of Robert Jones
6th great-grandson of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
7th great-grandson of Chretien Du Bois
7th great-grandson of Matthieu Blanchan
5th great-grandson of Jean Bodine
6th great-grandson of Jean Crocheron
8th great-grandson of Richard Cooke
FatherStephen L White1 b. Apr, 1818
MotherMary C Ferguson1 b. Oct, 1814
BirthApril 7, 1851Joseph was born April 7, 1851 in Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri.1 
DeathMarch 11, 1928Joseph died March 11, 1928 in Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri at age 76.1  
(son) Census 1860August 1, 1860Joseph Edwin White was listed as a member, son, of the household of Stephen L White and Mary C Ferguson in the 1860 Census on August 1, 1860 in Sni-A-Bar Township, Lafayette County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Thomas L White and David Henry White.2
(son) Census 1870September 9, 1870Joseph Edwin White was listed as a member, son, of the household of Stephen L White and Mary C Ferguson in the 1870 Census on September 9, 1870 in Sni-A-Bar Township, Lafayette County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Thomas L White, David Henry White and Nancy Ella Ferguson.3
(son) Census 1880June 15, 1880Joseph Edwin White was listed as a son in the household of Stephen L White and Mary C Ferguson in the 1880 Census on June 15, 1880 in Sni-A-Bar Township, Lafayette County, Missouri. Joseph Edwin White's occupation is listed as works on farm. Other members of the household listed were David Henry White, Larkin Ferguson and Nancy Ella Ferguson.4
(son) Census 1900June 11, 1900Joseph Edwin White was listed as a son in the household of Stephen L White and Mary C Ferguson in the 1900 Census on June 11, 1900 in Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri. Joseph Edwin White's occupation is listed as day laborer. Other members of the household listed were David Henry White and Nancy Ella Ferguson.5
(boarder) Census 1910April 25, 1910Joseph Edwin White was listed as a boarder in the household of Nannie Rusell in the 1900 Census on April 25, 1910 in Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri. Joseph Edwin White's occupation is listed as poultry business. Other members of the household listed were David Henry White.6
(cousin) Census 1920January 20, 1920Joseph Edwin White was listed as a cousin in the household of Reuben Beverly Rose and Martha Jane Carmichael in the 1920 Census on January 20, 1920 at 415 South Fourth Street Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri. Joseph Edwin White's occupation is listed as laborer - stone work. Other members of the household listed were Martha E Carmichael and David Henry White.7
Last EditedOct 14, 2009


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S11091] U.S. Census Missouri 1860, Lafayette County, Sni-a-Bar Township.
  3. [S12358] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Lafayette County, Sni-a-bar Township.
  4. [S11089] U.S. Census Missouri 1880, Lafayette County, Sniabar Township.
  5. [S11092] U.S. Census Missouri 1900, Lafayette County, Sniabar Township, Odessa.
  6. [S15523] U.S. Census Missouri 1910, Lafayette County, Odessa, Ward 2.
  7. [S13510] U.S. Census Missouri 1920, Lafayette County, Odessa, Ward 3.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

David Henry White1

Male, #78324, b. February 6, 1853, d. June 16, 1934
Relationships3rd cousin 3 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
4th great-grandson of Robert Jones
6th great-grandson of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
7th great-grandson of Chretien Du Bois
7th great-grandson of Matthieu Blanchan
5th great-grandson of Jean Bodine
6th great-grandson of Jean Crocheron
8th great-grandson of Richard Cooke
FatherStephen L White1 b. Apr, 1818
MotherMary C Ferguson1 b. Oct, 1814
BirthFebruary 6, 1853David was born February 6, 1853 in Lafayette County, Missouri.1 
UnmarriedDavid never married.1 
DeathJune 16, 1934David died June 16, 1934 in Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri at age 81.1  
(son) Census 1860August 1, 1860David Henry White was listed as a member, son, of the household of Stephen L White and Mary C Ferguson in the 1860 Census on August 1, 1860 in Sni-A-Bar Township, Lafayette County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Thomas L White and Joseph Edwin White.2
(son) Census 1870September 9, 1870David Henry White was listed as a member, son, of the household of Stephen L White and Mary C Ferguson in the 1870 Census on September 9, 1870 in Sni-A-Bar Township, Lafayette County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Thomas L White, Joseph Edwin White and Nancy Ella Ferguson.3
(son) Census 1880June 15, 1880David Henry White was listed as a son in the household of Stephen L White and Mary C Ferguson in the 1880 Census on June 15, 1880 in Sni-A-Bar Township, Lafayette County, Missouri. David Henry White's occupation is listed as works on farm. Other members of the household listed were Larkin Ferguson, Joseph Edwin White and Nancy Ella Ferguson.4
(son) Census 1900June 11, 1900David Henry White was listed as a son in the household of Stephen L White and Mary C Ferguson in the 1900 Census on June 11, 1900 in Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri. David Henry White's occupation is listed as day laborer. Other members of the household listed were Joseph Edwin White and Nancy Ella Ferguson.5
(boarder) Census 1910April 25, 1910David Henry White was listed as a boarder in the household of Nannie Rusell in the 1900 Census on April 25, 1910 in Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Joseph Edwin White.6
(cousin) Census 1920January 20, 1920David Henry White was listed as a cousin in the household of Reuben Beverly Rose and Martha Jane Carmichael in the 1920 Census on January 20, 1920 at 415 South Fourth Street Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri. David Henry White's occupation is listed as laborer - stone work. Other members of the household listed were Martha E Carmichael and Joseph Edwin White.7
(boarder) Census 1930April 4, 1930David Henry White was listed as a boarder in the household of Henry D Williams in the 1930 Census on April 4, 1930 at 400 Third Street Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri. David Henry White's occupation is listed as laborer - walnut logging.8
Last EditedMay 23, 2014


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S11091] U.S. Census Missouri 1860, Lafayette County, Sni-a-Bar Township.
  3. [S12358] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Lafayette County, Sni-a-bar Township.
  4. [S11089] U.S. Census Missouri 1880, Lafayette County, Sniabar Township.
  5. [S11092] U.S. Census Missouri 1900, Lafayette County, Sniabar Township, Odessa.
  6. [S15523] U.S. Census Missouri 1910, Lafayette County, Odessa, Ward 2.
  7. [S13510] U.S. Census Missouri 1920, Lafayette County, Odessa, Ward 3.
  8. [S15524] U.S. Census Missouri 1930, Lafayette County, Odessa, Ward 3.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Susannah V Allen1

Female, #78325, b. January 8, 1837, d. April 23, 1919
RelationshipSusannah V Allen is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Susannah V is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthJanuary 8, 1837Susannah was born January 8, 1837 in Virginia.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1857Her daughter Elizabeth was born about 1857 in Missouri.1 
MarriageAugust 18, 1859She married Thomas Ferguson Jr, son of Thomas Ferguson and Hannah Murphy, August 18, 1859 in Pettis County, Missouri.1  
Birth of Daughterabout 1860Her daughter Susan was born about 1860 in Missouri.1 
Birth of Sonabout 1862Her son Van was born about 1862 in Missouri.1 
Birth of Daughterabout 1864Her daughter Addie was born about 1864 in Missouri.1 
Birth of Sonabout 1867Her son Thomas was born about 1867 in Missouri.1 
Birth of SonAugust 22, 1872Her son Edward was born on August 22, 1872 in Sedalia, Pettis County, Missouri.1 
Marriage of DaughterOctober 21, 1874Her daugher, Elizabeth H Ferguson, married John Miles Embree on October 21, 1874 in Pettis County, Missouri.1 
Death of DaughterApril 14, 1878Her daughter, Elizabeth, died on April 14, 1878.1 
Marriage of DaughterNovember 22, 1883Her daugher, Addie Ferguson, married John A Riley on November 22, 1883 in Pettis County, Missouri.1 
Death of Spouse1890She was widowed when her husband, Thomas, died in 1890 in Pettis County, Missouri.1 
Marriage of Sonabout 1894Her son, Edward Edgar Ferguson, married Hattie Lee about 1894.1 
DeathApril 23, 1919Susannah died April 23, 1919 in Bowling Green, Pettis County, Missouri at age 82.1  
BurialHer body was buried in Salem Cemetery, Pettis County, Missouri.1 


Thomas Ferguson Jr b. 1809, d. 1890
Children 1.Elizabeth H Ferguson1 b. about 1857, d. Apr 14, 1878
 2.Susan V Ferguson1 b. about 1860
 3.Van Ferguson1 b. about 1862
 4.Addie Ferguson1 b. about 1864
 5.Thomas Ferguson1 b. about 1867
 6.Edward Edgar Ferguson1 b. Aug 22, 1872, d. Jul 4, 1942
Census 1860July 15, 1860Susannah was listed as a member, his wife, of Thomas Ferguson Jr's household in the 1860 Census on July 15, 1860 in Bowling Green Township, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Thomas Henry Ferguson, John Voltaire Ferguson, Nancy Ella Ferguson and Elizabeth H Ferguson.2
Census 1870June 23, 1870Susannah was listed as a member, his wife, of Thomas Ferguson Jr's household in the 1870 Census on June 23, 1870 in Bowling Green Township, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Elizabeth H Ferguson, Susan V Ferguson, Van Ferguson, Addie Ferguson and Thomas Ferguson.3
Census 1880June 2, 1880Susannah was listed as Thomas Ferguson Jr's wife in the 1880 Census on June 2, 1880 in Bowling Green, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Susan V Ferguson, Van Ferguson, Addie Ferguson, Thomas Ferguson and Edward Edgar Ferguson.4
Last EditedSep 14, 2011


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S11307] U.S. Census Missouri 1860, Pettis County, Bowling Green Township.
  3. [S11308] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Pettis County, Bowling Green Township.
  4. [S11309] U.S. Census Missouri 1880, Pettis County, Bowling Green.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Elizabeth H Ferguson1

Female, #78326, b. about 1857, d. April 14, 1878
Relationships3rd cousin 3 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
4th great-granddaughter of Robert Jones
6th great-granddaughter of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
7th great-granddaughter of Chretien Du Bois
7th great-granddaughter of Matthieu Blanchan
5th great-granddaughter of Jean Bodine
6th great-granddaughter of Jean Crocheron
8th great-granddaughter of Richard Cooke
FatherThomas Ferguson Jr1 b. 1809, d. 1890
MotherSusannah V Allen1 b. Jan 8, 1837, d. Apr 23, 1919
Birthabout 1857Elizabeth was born about 1857 in Missouri.1 
MarriageOctober 21, 1874She married John Miles Embree October 21, 1874 in Pettis County, Missouri.1  
DeathApril 14, 1878Elizabeth died April 14, 1878 in an unknown place .1  


John Miles Embree b. 7 Feb 1852, d. 14 Nov 1932
(daughter) Census 1860July 15, 1860Elizabeth H Ferguson was listed as a member, daughter, of the household of Thomas Ferguson Jr and Susannah V Allen in the 1860 Census on July 15, 1860 in Bowling Green Township, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Thomas Henry Ferguson, John Voltaire Ferguson and Nancy Ella Ferguson.2
(daughter) Census 1870June 23, 1870Elizabeth H Ferguson was listed as a member, daughter, of the household of Thomas Ferguson Jr and Susannah V Allen in the 1870 Census on June 23, 1870 in Bowling Green Township, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Susan V Ferguson, Van Ferguson, Addie Ferguson and Thomas Ferguson.3
Last EditedMar 21, 2012


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S11307] U.S. Census Missouri 1860, Pettis County, Bowling Green Township.
  3. [S11308] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Pettis County, Bowling Green Township.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Susan V Ferguson1

Female, #78327, b. about 1860
Relationships3rd cousin 3 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
4th great-granddaughter of Robert Jones
6th great-granddaughter of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
7th great-granddaughter of Chretien Du Bois
7th great-granddaughter of Matthieu Blanchan
5th great-granddaughter of Jean Bodine
6th great-granddaughter of Jean Crocheron
8th great-granddaughter of Richard Cooke
FatherThomas Ferguson Jr1 b. 1809, d. 1890
MotherSusannah V Allen1 b. Jan 8, 1837, d. Apr 23, 1919
Birthabout 1860Susan was born about 1860 in Missouri.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Susan V's death. 
(daughter) Census 1870June 23, 1870Susan V Ferguson was listed as a member, daughter, of the household of Thomas Ferguson Jr and Susannah V Allen in the 1870 Census on June 23, 1870 in Bowling Green Township, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Elizabeth H Ferguson, Van Ferguson, Addie Ferguson and Thomas Ferguson.2
(daughter) Census 1880June 2, 1880Susan V Ferguson was listed as a daughter in the household of Thomas Ferguson Jr and Susannah V Allen in the 1880 Census on June 2, 1880 in Bowling Green, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Van Ferguson, Addie Ferguson, Thomas Ferguson and Edward Edgar Ferguson.3
Last EditedMar 22, 2012


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S11308] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Pettis County, Bowling Green Township.
  3. [S11309] U.S. Census Missouri 1880, Pettis County, Bowling Green.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Van Ferguson1

Male, #78328, b. about 1862
Relationships3rd cousin 3 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
4th great-grandson of Robert Jones
6th great-grandson of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
7th great-grandson of Chretien Du Bois
7th great-grandson of Matthieu Blanchan
5th great-grandson of Jean Bodine
6th great-grandson of Jean Crocheron
8th great-grandson of Richard Cooke
FatherThomas Ferguson Jr1 b. 1809, d. 1890
MotherSusannah V Allen1 b. Jan 8, 1837, d. Apr 23, 1919
Birthabout 1862Van was born about 1862 in Missouri.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Van's death. 
(son) Census 1870June 23, 1870Van Ferguson was listed as a member, son, of the household of Thomas Ferguson Jr and Susannah V Allen in the 1870 Census on June 23, 1870 in Bowling Green Township, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Elizabeth H Ferguson, Susan V Ferguson, Addie Ferguson and Thomas Ferguson.2
(son) Census 1880June 2, 1880Van Ferguson was listed as a son in the household of Thomas Ferguson Jr and Susannah V Allen in the 1880 Census on June 2, 1880 in Bowling Green, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Susan V Ferguson, Addie Ferguson, Thomas Ferguson and Edward Edgar Ferguson.3
Last EditedMar 22, 2012


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S11308] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Pettis County, Bowling Green Township.
  3. [S11309] U.S. Census Missouri 1880, Pettis County, Bowling Green.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Addie Ferguson1

Female, #78329, b. about 1864
Relationships3rd cousin 3 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
4th great-granddaughter of Robert Jones
6th great-granddaughter of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
7th great-granddaughter of Chretien Du Bois
7th great-granddaughter of Matthieu Blanchan
5th great-granddaughter of Jean Bodine
6th great-granddaughter of Jean Crocheron
8th great-granddaughter of Richard Cooke
FatherThomas Ferguson Jr1 b. 1809, d. 1890
MotherSusannah V Allen1 b. Jan 8, 1837, d. Apr 23, 1919
Birthabout 1864Addie was born about 1864 in Missouri.1 
MarriageNovember 22, 1883She married John A Riley November 22, 1883 in Pettis County, Missouri.1  
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Addie's death. 


John A Riley
(daughter) Census 1870June 23, 1870Addie Ferguson was listed as a member, daughter, of the household of Thomas Ferguson Jr and Susannah V Allen in the 1870 Census on June 23, 1870 in Bowling Green Township, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Elizabeth H Ferguson, Susan V Ferguson, Van Ferguson and Thomas Ferguson.2
(daughter) Census 1880June 2, 1880Addie Ferguson was listed as a daughter in the household of Thomas Ferguson Jr and Susannah V Allen in the 1880 Census on June 2, 1880 in Bowling Green, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Susan V Ferguson, Van Ferguson, Thomas Ferguson and Edward Edgar Ferguson.3
Last EditedMar 21, 2012


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S11308] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Pettis County, Bowling Green Township.
  3. [S11309] U.S. Census Missouri 1880, Pettis County, Bowling Green.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Thomas Ferguson1

Male, #78330, b. about 1867
Relationships3rd cousin 3 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
4th great-grandson of Robert Jones
6th great-grandson of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
7th great-grandson of Chretien Du Bois
7th great-grandson of Matthieu Blanchan
5th great-grandson of Jean Bodine
6th great-grandson of Jean Crocheron
8th great-grandson of Richard Cooke
FatherThomas Ferguson Jr1 b. 1809, d. 1890
MotherSusannah V Allen1 b. Jan 8, 1837, d. Apr 23, 1919
Birthabout 1867Thomas was born about 1867 in Missouri.1 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Thomas's death. 
(son) Census 1870June 23, 1870Thomas Ferguson was listed as a member, son, of the household of Thomas Ferguson Jr and Susannah V Allen in the 1870 Census on June 23, 1870 in Bowling Green Township, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Elizabeth H Ferguson, Susan V Ferguson, Van Ferguson and Addie Ferguson.2
(son) Census 1880June 2, 1880Thomas Ferguson was listed as a son in the household of Thomas Ferguson Jr and Susannah V Allen in the 1880 Census on June 2, 1880 in Bowling Green, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Susan V Ferguson, Van Ferguson, Addie Ferguson and Edward Edgar Ferguson.3
Last EditedMar 22, 2012


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S11308] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Pettis County, Bowling Green Township.
  3. [S11309] U.S. Census Missouri 1880, Pettis County, Bowling Green.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Mary S McFarland1

Female, #78331, b. December 31, 1851, d. March 16, 1913
MotherMariam E (surname not known)2 b. between 1823 and 1824
RelationshipMary S McFarland is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Mary S is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthDecember 31, 1851Mary was born December 31, 1851 in Missouri.1 
Marriageabout 1868She married John Voltaire Ferguson, son of Thomas Ferguson Jr and Nancy Smith, about 1868 in an unknown place .1  
Birth of SonNovember, 1890Her son John was born in November, 1890 in Missouri.3 
DeathMarch 16, 1913Mary died March 16, 1913 in Bowling Green, Pettis County, Missouri at age 61.1  


John Voltaire Ferguson b. 25 Jan 1839, d. 16 Sep 1918
Child 1.John C Ferguson3 b. Nov, 1890
Nickname Mary S McFarland is also known as Mollie.1  
Census 1870June 23, 1870Mary was listed as a member, his wife, of John Voltaire Ferguson's household in the 1870 Census on June 23, 1870 in Bowling Green Township, Pettis County, Missouri.4
Census 1880June 4, 1880Mary was listed as John Voltaire Ferguson's wife in the 1880 Census on June 4, 1880 in Bowling Green, Pettis County, Missouri.5
Census 1900June 22, 1900Mary was listed as John Voltaire Ferguson's wife in the 1900 Census on June 22, 1900 in Bowling Green, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were John C Ferguson John C Ferguson is listed as a son. However, Mary is listed with zero living children so it is assumed he is an adopted son.3
Census 1910April 20, 1910Mary was listed as John Voltaire Ferguson's wife in the 1910 Census on April 20, 1910 in Bowling Green Township, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were John C Ferguson and Mariam E (surname not known).2
Last EditedFeb 15, 2013


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S13787] U.S. Census Missouri 1910, Pettis County, Bowling Green Township.
  3. [S13786] U.S. Census Missouri 1900, Pettis County, Bowling Green.
  4. [S14523] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Pettis County, Bowling Green Township.
  5. [S13784] U.S. Census Missouri 1880, Pettis County, Bowling Green.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Edward Edgar Ferguson1

Male, #78332, b. August 22, 1872, d. July 4, 1942
Relationships3rd cousin 3 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
4th great-grandson of Robert Jones
6th great-grandson of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
7th great-grandson of Chretien Du Bois
7th great-grandson of Matthieu Blanchan
5th great-grandson of Jean Bodine
6th great-grandson of Jean Crocheron
8th great-grandson of Richard Cooke
FatherThomas Ferguson Jr1 b. 1809, d. 1890
MotherSusannah V Allen1 b. Jan 8, 1837, d. Apr 23, 1919
BirthAugust 22, 1872Edward was born August 22, 1872 in Sedalia, Pettis County, Missouri.1 
Death of Father1890His father, Thomas, died in 1890 in Pettis County, Missouri.1 
Marriageabout 1894He married Hattie Lee about 1894 in an unknown place .1  
Marriage - no infoHe married Anna Pollard. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 
Death of SpouseOctober 19, 1910He was widowed when his wife, Hattie, died on October 19, 1910.. in Bowling Green, Pettis County, Missouri.1 
Death of MotherApril 23, 1919His mother, Susannah, died on April 23, 1919 in Bowling Green, Pettis County, Missouri.1 
DeathJuly 4, 1942Edward died July 4, 1942 in Pettis County, Missouri at age 69.1  

Family 1

Hattie Lee b. 4 Apr 1874, d. 19 Oct 1910

Family 2

Anna Pollard b. 27 Sep 1882, d. 31 Mar 1949
(son) Census 1880June 2, 1880Edward Edgar Ferguson was listed as a son in the household of Thomas Ferguson Jr and Susannah V Allen in the 1880 Census on June 2, 1880 in Bowling Green, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Susan V Ferguson, Van Ferguson, Addie Ferguson and Thomas Ferguson.2
Last EditedOct 30, 2009


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S11309] U.S. Census Missouri 1880, Pettis County, Bowling Green.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

James Frank Ross1,2

Male, #78333
RelationshipJames Frank Ross is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because James Frank is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for James Frank Ross.  
MarriageJune 9, 1863He married Margaret Ann Ferguson, daughter of William Ferguson and Dorinda Wright, June 9, 1863 in Pettis County, Missouri.1  
Birth of Daughterbetween 1865 and 1866His daughter Luetta was born between 1865 and 1866 in Missouri.3 
Birth of Sonbetween 1868 and 1869His son Edward was born between 1868 and 1869 in Missouri.3 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of James Frank's death. 


Margaret Ann Ferguson b. 27 Aug 1841, d. 27 Aug 1927
Children 1.Luetta Imogene Ross+3 b. between 1865 and 1866, d. Nov 25, 1937
 2.Edward Ross3 b. between 1868 and 1869
Last EditedOct 18, 2015


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S4923] World Wide Web, Find a Grave, this source may be viewed at,.
  3. [S11099] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Pettis County, Bowling Green Township.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

John Miles Embree1

Male, #78334, b. February 7, 1852, d. November 14, 1932
RelationshipJohn Miles Embree is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because John Miles is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
BirthFebruary 7, 1852John was born February 7, 1852 in Pettis County, Missouri.1 
MarriageOctober 21, 1874He married Elizabeth H Ferguson, daughter of Thomas Ferguson Jr and Susannah V Allen, October 21, 1874 in Pettis County, Missouri.1  
Death of SpouseApril 14, 1878He was widowed when his wife, Elizabeth, died on April 14, 1878..1  
DeathNovember 14, 1932John died November 14, 1932 in Johnson County, Missouri at age 80.1  


Elizabeth H Ferguson b. a 1857, d. 14 Apr 1878
Last EditedOct 6, 2009


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

John A Riley1

Male, #78335
RelationshipJohn A Riley is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because John A is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no infoI have no information on the date or place of birth for John A Riley.  
MarriageNovember 22, 1883He married Addie Ferguson, daughter of Thomas Ferguson Jr and Susannah V Allen, November 22, 1883 in Pettis County, Missouri.1  
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of John A's death. 


Addie Ferguson b. a 1864
Last EditedNov 3, 2009


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Ella Josephine Porter1

Female, #78336, b. September 10, 1855, d. May 5, 1939
RelationshipElla Josephine Porter is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Ella Josephine is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthSeptember 10, 1855Ella was born September 10, 1855 in Pettis County, Missouri.1 
MarriageNovember 13, 1876She married Charles Edgar Ferguson, son of William Ferguson and Dorinda Wright, November 13, 1876 in Pettis County, Missouri.1  
Death of SpouseJanuary 1, 1912She was widowed when her husband, Charles, died on January 1, 1912 in Bates County, Missouri.1 
DeathMay 5, 1939Ella died May 5, 1939 in Bates County, Missouri at age 83.1  


Charles Edgar Ferguson b. 21 May 1851, d. 1 Jan 1912
Last EditedMay 17, 2010


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Jane Penelope Porter1

Female, #78337, b. April 12, 1853, d. November 3, 1890
RelationshipJane Penelope Porter is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Jane Penelope is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthApril 12, 1853Jane was born April 12, 1853 in Pettis County, Missouri.1 
MarriageOctober 13, 1872She married Robert Elbert Ferguson, son of William Ferguson and Dorinda Wright, October 13, 1872 in Pettis County, Missouri.1  
Birth of SonOctober, 1874Her son Robert was born in October, 1874 in Missouri.2 
Birth of Daughterbetween 1875 and 1876Her daughter J was born between 1875 and 1876 in Missouri.3 
Birth of Sonbetween 1877 and 1878Her son Westy was born between 1877 and 1878 in Missouri.3 
Birth of Sonabout April, 1880Her son Luther was born about April, 1880 in Missouri.3 
Birth of DaughterFebruary, 1883Her daughter Ruth was born in February, 1883 in Missouri.2 
Birth of DaughterOctober, 1885Her daughter Nellie was born in October, 1885 in Missouri.2 
DeathNovember 3, 1890Jane died November 3, 1890 in Pettis County, Missouri at age 37.1  
BurialHer body was buried in Salem Cemetery, Pettis County, Missouri.1 


Robert Elbert Ferguson b. 22 Feb 1848, d. 28 Apr 1945
Children 1.Robert E Ferguson3 b. Oct, 1874
 2.J M Ferguson3 b. between 1875 and 1876
 3.Westy Ferguson3 b. between 1877 and 1878
 4.Luther Ferguson3 b. about Apr, 1880
 5.Ruth Ferguson2 b. Feb, 1883
 6.Nellie Ferguson2 b. Oct, 1885
Census 1880June 2, 1880Jane was listed as Robert Elbert Ferguson's wife in the 1880 Census on June 2, 1880 in Bowling Green Township, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Robert E Ferguson, J M Ferguson, Westy Ferguson, Luther Ferguson, William Ferguson, Dorinda Wright, Margaret Ann Ferguson and Luetta Imogene Ross There are also two laborers and a servant listed in the household.3
Last EditedMar 14, 2014


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S15401] U.S. Census Missouri 1900, Pettis County, Sedalia, Ward 3, ED 112.
  3. [S11100] U.S. Census Missouri 1880, Pettis County, Bowling Green.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Ann E Crawford1

Female, #78339, b. April, 1840
RelationshipAnn E Crawford is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Ann E is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
BirthApril, 1840Ann was born April, 1840 in Missouri.2 
Birth of Sonbetween 1857 and 1858Her son John was born between 1857 and 1858 in Missouri.3 
MarriageMay 14, 1857She married James Jerome Ferguson, son of James Ferguson and Elmira Wright, May 14, 1857 in Pettis County, Missouri.1  
Birth of Daughterbetween 1861 and 1862Her daughter Belle was born between 1861 and 1862 at 605 Kenwood Avenue (Gladstone Hotel) Missouri.4 
Birth of Sonbetween 1864 and 1865Her son James was born between 1864 and 1865 in Missouri.3 
Birth of Daughterbetween 1866 and 1867Her daughter Minnie was born between 1866 and 1867 in Missouri.3 
Birth of Sonbetween 1875 and 1876Her son Charley was born between 1875 and 1876 in Missouri.3 
Birth of DaughterJuly, 1881Her daughter Grace was born in July, 1881 in Missouri.2 
Death - no infoI have no information on the date and place of Ann E's death. 


James Jerome Ferguson b. 14 Dec 1834
Children 1.John E Ferguson3 b. between 1857 and 1858
 2.Belle M Ferguson4 b. between 1861 and 1862
 3.James L Ferguson3 b. between 1864 and 1865
 4.Minnie J Ferguson3 b. between 1866 and 1867
 5.Charley Ferguson3 b. between 1875 and 1876
 6.Grace L Ferguson2 b. Jul, 1881
Census 1860October 10, 1860Ann was listed as a member, his wife, of James Jerome Ferguson's household in the 1860 Census on October 10, 1860 in Flat Creek, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were John E Ferguson.5
Census 1870July 9, 1870Ann was listed as a member, his wife, of James Jerome Ferguson's household in the 1870 Census on July 9, 1870 in Flat Creek Township, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were John E Ferguson, Belle M Ferguson, James L Ferguson and Minnie J Ferguson.4
Census 1880June 14, 1880Ann was listed as James Jerome Ferguson's wife in the 1880 Census on June 14, 1880 in Flat Creek, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were John E Ferguson, James L Ferguson, Minnie J Ferguson and Charley Ferguson.3
Census 1900June 15, 1900Ann was listed as James Jerome Ferguson's wife in the 1900 Census on June 15, 1900 in Flat Creek Township, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Grace L Ferguson.2
Last EditedFeb 15, 2013


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S13779] U.S. Census Missouri 1900, Pettis County, Flat Creek Township.
  3. [S13778] U.S. Census Missouri 1880, Pettis County, Flat Creek.
  4. [S14519] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Pettis County, Flat Creek Township.
  5. [S13781] U.S. Census Missouri 1860, Pettis County, Flat Creek.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).

Charles Edgar Ferguson1

Male, #78340, b. May 21, 1851, d. January 1, 1912
Relationships3rd cousin 3 times removed of Garril Louis Kueber Sr
4th great-grandson of Robert Jones
6th great-grandson of Jan Joosten van Meteren (John Van Meter)
7th great-grandson of Chretien Du Bois
7th great-grandson of Matthieu Blanchan
5th great-grandson of Jean Bodine
6th great-grandson of Jean Crocheron
8th great-grandson of Richard Cooke
FatherWilliam Ferguson1 b. Oct 19, 1806, d. 1890
MotherDorinda Wright1 b. 1809, d. 1898
BirthMay 21, 1851Charles was born May 21, 1851 in Pettis County, Missouri.1 
MarriageNovember 13, 1876He married Ella Josephine Porter November 13, 1876 in Pettis County, Missouri.1  
Death of Father1890His father, William, died in 1890 in Pettis County, Missouri.2,3 
Death of Mother1898His mother, Dorinda, died in 1898 in Pettis County, Missouri.2,3 
DeathJanuary 1, 1912Charles died January 1, 1912 in Bates County, Missouri at age 60.1  


Ella Josephine Porter b. 10 Sep 1855, d. 5 May 1939
(son) Census 1860June 8, 1860Charles Edgar Ferguson was listed as a member, son, of the household of William Ferguson and Dorinda Wright in the 1860 Census on June 8, 1860 in Bowling Green Township, Pettis County, Missouri. Other members of the household listed were Margaret Ann Ferguson, John C Ferguson and Robert Elbert Ferguson.4
(son) Census 1870June 24, 1870Charles Edgar Ferguson was listed as a member, son, of the household of William Ferguson and Dorinda Wright in the 1870 Census on June 24, 1870 in Bowling Green Township, Pettis County, Missouri. Charles Edgar Ferguson's occupation is listed as farmer. Other members of the household listed were Robert Elbert Ferguson, Margaret Ann Ferguson, Luetta Imogene Ross and Edward Ross.5
Last EditedMay 17, 2010


  1. [S5808] World Wide Web, Silliman Kurtz Olson Hafslund Ancestors, Carol Olson, this source may be viewed at, reviewed update of October 6, 2009.
  2. [S4339] Elizabeth L Nichols, Cook, Murphy, Hodges Families of Early Virginia, by Elizabeth L. Nichols, 2004, p. 135.
  3. [S3971] World Wide Web, Genealogy of Charlie Cook, Charles Lowell Cook Jr, this source may be viewed at,.
  4. [S11098] U.S. Census Missouri 1860, Pettis County, Bowling Green Township.
  5. [S11099] U.S. Census Missouri 1870, Pettis County, Bowling Green Township.

Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).